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If you haven’t played Full Throttle before and are determined to see the credits roll on Remastered, don’t be ashamed to look some solutions up, and don’t be surprised when your reaction is less “Ohhh!” and more “Huh?” Ben also gets in high-speed highway duels, clumsy action scenes that have aged poorly despite revamped controls for the Remastered edition. Those require either a big time investment in trial-and-error or a quick trip to an online guide for a spoilery answer. Many of Full Throttle’s puzzles are well designed and thoughtful, but just as many make absolutely no sense, like one where you have to steal multiple boxes of mechanical bunnies that keep magically reappearing every time you screw it up. But if there is one thing that will stand in the way of your riding off into the sunset, it’s the ridiculously unintuitive “adventure game logic” that marked so many old LucasArts adventures. “Those issues are irritating but are easy enough to look past if you’ve got the gumption and the grit to see the story through to the end. That also makes it evident how vastly the sound has been improved, from the quality of Full Throttle’s original songs (get ready to have one or two of those stuck in your head) to the new mix that thrusts the dialogue by skilled voice actors like Mark Hamill and Roy Conrad into the forefront where it belongs. There’s a weird satisfaction in doing so, and you might find yourself flicking between the old and new styles frequently just to see how far we’ve come since the days of gigantic pixels. If you’re a Full Throttle fan already you won’t want to miss Remastered for that reason alone, especially because you can easily see exactly how faithful any given frame is by switching back to the old graphics and sound with the press of a button. It all goes down with a great, clean-looking new art style and totally remastered sound.

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And that includes time spent developing excellent side characters like Maureen the mechanic and the dastardly Corley Motors executive, Ripburger. It’s testament to Tim Schafer’s skillful writing that in addition to the humor you get to know Ben pretty well over what really amounts to a pretty short game, at around six hours. “Something tells me the bridge is out,” Ben mutters as you direct him to examine a bridge that, moments earlier, you witnessed explode in a dramatic fireball.

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